Hey there friends! Thanks so much for stopping by, I’m Michelle Castro, the host of the Consider Jesus Podcast. I’ve gone back and forth on what to share here and how to prepare you for what’s to come. I’m a bottom line kinda girl and the nuts and bolts of it is…I want to encourage you to CONSIDER JESUS in all you do, but I also want to do that while having REAL, RAW, and HONEST conversations about those things we, as Christians, just don’t seem to talk about. Things like grief, sex, loss, marriage, parenting, mental health, friendships, and so much more! Through the ups and downs of my own personal story I’ve kinda become the one who tends to rip the bandaid off and say the hard things. Not because it comes naturally…nope, I’d really prefer to keep my dirt hidden, but because, the Lord has so kindly shown me that I am NOT THE ONLY ONE walking these different roads! I know you have a lot on your plate…whether it’s being a wife, mama, working, all of these, some of these, or completely different things…I want this place to be a space of comfort and encouragement! hebrews 3:1 says “Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, Webster’s dictionary defines “consider” like this: “to gaze on steadily or reflectively” I LOVE that! I want to gaze steadily upon Jesus. I want to REFLECT Him in all I do…and I’m guessing…you do too! It’s my desire through this podcast to point you to Jesus while sharing real life stuff with you! You’ll hear from me and some pretty incredible guests. I’m not your typical 51 year old…I have fuschia hair, like my free people barrels, I’m just as happy reading a book on the couch as I am with my miter saw in the garage working on some hair-brained DIY project. I love a little coffee with my creamer, sitting around the kitchen table catching up with my family, and I’ll drive just about anywhere if tacos are involved! Thanks for taking a listen…I’ll see ya inside the pod! :)
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
If you're like me you really do try to see the many ways the Lord is providing in your business...but too often you don't fully recognize it for a few hours or maybe, just maybe, a day or two later. I get it. I'm so guilty of this! I keep asking the Lord to help me see Him FIRST! To acknowledge Him FIRST!
This is exactly what we're talking about today...setting our mind on the Lord...seeing His FAITHFULNESS and STEADFAST LOVE towards us.
He shows it to us in so many ways, but I want to encourage you to see the love and faithfulness He's pouring out over you in your business even today!
Grab you favorite coffee and that snuggly blanket and get ready to set your mind on the goodness and faithfulness of God.
xx, Michelle
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
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Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Have you ever considered that maybe...just maybe...you're asking the Lord to do the bare minimum in your business?
Have you ever thought that you're not expecting enough of the Lord?
Are you EXPECTANTLY looking and longing for His VICTORY, FAVOR, PEACE, JOY, PROVISION in your business?
Meditate on this verse, pray this verse over our life and business.
And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!
Isaiah 30:18
I'm praying for you that you will be expectantly looking and longing for the Lord to show His loving-kindness on you in ways you've never imagined.
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
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Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
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Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Call this an early Christmas gift because I've got TWO goodies for you!
2. Breaking open the #1 Reason you AREN'T seeing the GROWTH in your Network Marketing / Social Selling Business...and HOW TO REMEDY THAT!
Nothing's worse than hearing there's a problem and no way to correct it.
Today...I'm exposing the problem AND offering you a way to make it right!
If you're ready for the impact and income the Lord has for you in your business...then shoot me an email @ hello@growthagainstthegrain.com and put MASTERMIND in the subject line!
I'm so excited to share all that's been going on in the background and finally bring it to life!
Let's gooooo girl!
xx, Michelle
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Monday Dec 05, 2022
210 // Where Is Your HOPE? Mindset Monday
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
We're going to focus this month on the birth of Christ!
There is no greater GIFT than the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!
Isaiah 9:6 is one of my absolute favorite verses from the Old Testament pointing to the birth of our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace!
Where is your hope?
xx, michelle
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Allowing Distractions...what kind of craziness is this!?
I mean...who would "ALLOW DISTRACTIONS"?
Not you!
You're a serious, high-achieving woman.
You have BIG goals!
You don't have time to be distracted!
Or...do you?
Friend...the reality is...we all allow (yes...we allow) things to get in our way! We allow our time to be stolen by things that aren't actually pushing the needle forward. Sure they seem like good things...but when we take a step back, as we're going to do in this episode, we find that sometimes those "good" things aren't actually where we need to be focusing our time and attention...they've become DISTRACTIONS!
In this episode I'm sharing 4 ways you could be allowing distractions to keep you from the growth and success that the Lord has for you in your network marketing / social selling business!
Let's get to it!
xx, Michelle
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
I'm so excited to pull the curtain back and share an actual conversation from a recent coaching call! I'll be honest...I've recorded calls in the past, but I never really thought you'd find them valuable! (a case of doubting and believing some lies 🤪). Welp...after a little attitude adjustment (from some of my personal accountability partners) I'm thrilled to share this call with you!
Here's the thing...Ashley's story isn't too dissimilar from your own. Sure...maybe your frustrations aren't the exact same...but you have frustrations and when you're sitting in the weeds it's often difficult to find a way out. I've worked with 100s of women and I've yet to hear a situation that wasn't overcomeable (is that even a word?). Whether you choose to do what needs to be done is a whole other story!
If you're ready to get out of the weeds and start seeing progress ➡️ schedule an UNSTUCK SESSION (link below).
Are you wanting more accountability than that?
The Growth Against the Grain MASTERMIND may be a better fit. Email me at hello@growthagainstthegrain - put MASTERMIND in the subject line and I'll share all the details with you!
READY TO GET UNSTUCK and schedule you're own coaching call? Let'ssssss DO IT!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
On today's MINDSET MONDAY Advent edition we're looking at Jesus the Servant!
How incredible is it that Jesus willingly came to this earth to SERVE!
We're looking at Isaiah 52.
I just recently heard this...did you know that there are over 300 prophecies about Christ in the Bible and over 30 of them were fulfilled at the birth of Christ!
What's your favorite prophecy about Christ?
Message me...I'd love to hear it!
Grab your Bible and get ready to hear what the Lord has for you today!
Are you ready for GROWTH in your NM biz?
Are you ready to be CONFIDENT in your sales?
Are you ready to hit those GOALS?
The Growth Against the Grain MASTERMIND may be a better fit. Email me at hello@growthagainstthegrain - put MASTERMIND in the subject line and I'll share all the details with you!
READY TO GET UNSTUCK and schedule you're own coaching call? Let'ssssss DO IT!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
You and I both know you're not in business just for the money...but the reality is...the money is a necessity. Whether you're looking to get out of debt, need it for groceries and gas, you want to give more abundantly, you desire to build up a nest egg or any other reason. I get it! While you're absolutely here to serve your clients, customers, and teams....you also want to earn as much as possible to take care of your family.
In today's episode we're talking about three reasons you're frustrated and how those frustrations are keeping you stuck and not earning and growing like you'd like.
Grab a pen and notebook or open up your notes app and let's get started.
xx, Michelle
Are you ready for GROWTH in your NM biz?
Are you ready to be CONFIDENT in your sales?
Are you ready to hit those GOALS?
The Growth Against the Grain MASTERMIND may be a better fit. Email me at hello@growthagainstthegrain - put MASTERMIND in the subject line and I'll share all the details with you!
READY TO GET UNSTUCK and schedule you're own coaching call? Let'ssssss DO IT!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
This may come as a bit of a shock...but yes...I'm telling you... do NOT set goals until you listen to this episode!
I mean...what!?
Yes! I love goals! If you've been around from the beginning...you know I love me some big, audacious goals...but goals should be SPECIFIC to YOU! Goals are not a one-size-fits-all type thing...they are unique to you, your needs, your wants, your desires. We're going to break it down here. I know you're getting ready to close out 2022 and look ahead to 2023 and I'm all for that, but FIRST...we're going to look at 3 things.
Grab your coffee, pen, and a notebook...let's get going!
xx, michelle
Are you ready for GROWTH in your NM biz?
Are you ready to be CONFIDENT in your sales?
Are you ready to hit those GOALS?
The Growth Against the Grain MASTERMIND may be a better fit. Email me at hello@growthagainstthegrain - put MASTERMIND in the subject line and I'll share all the details with you!
READY TO GET UNSTUCK and schedule you're own coaching call? Let'ssssss DO IT!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Monday Dec 19, 2022
216 // Immanuel | Mindset Monday
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Are you following along in the Facebook community as we go through the names of Jesus?
Today...was the name Immanuel - God with us!
There is so much power in the name of Jesus.
I pray that each name is giving you a greater insight into exactly who our great God is!!!
Are you ready for GROWTH in your NM biz?
Are you ready to be CONFIDENT in your sales?
Are you ready to hit those GOALS?
The Growth Against the Grain MASTERMIND may be a better fit. Email me at hello@growthagainstthegrain - put MASTERMIND in the subject line and I'll share all the details with you!
READY TO GET UNSTUCK and schedule you're own coaching call? Let'ssssss DO IT!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe