Hey there friends! Thanks so much for stopping by, I’m Michelle Castro, the host of the Consider Jesus Podcast. I’ve gone back and forth on what to share here and how to prepare you for what’s to come. I’m a bottom line kinda girl and the nuts and bolts of it is…I want to encourage you to CONSIDER JESUS in all you do, but I also want to do that while having REAL, RAW, and HONEST conversations about those things we, as Christians, just don’t seem to talk about. Things like grief, sex, loss, marriage, parenting, mental health, friendships, and so much more! Through the ups and downs of my own personal story I’ve kinda become the one who tends to rip the bandaid off and say the hard things. Not because it comes naturally…nope, I’d really prefer to keep my dirt hidden, but because, the Lord has so kindly shown me that I am NOT THE ONLY ONE walking these different roads! I know you have a lot on your plate…whether it’s being a wife, mama, working, all of these, some of these, or completely different things…I want this place to be a space of comfort and encouragement! hebrews 3:1 says “Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, Webster’s dictionary defines “consider” like this: “to gaze on steadily or reflectively” I LOVE that! I want to gaze steadily upon Jesus. I want to REFLECT Him in all I do…and I’m guessing…you do too! It’s my desire through this podcast to point you to Jesus while sharing real life stuff with you! You’ll hear from me and some pretty incredible guests. I’m not your typical 51 year old…I have fuschia hair, like my free people barrels, I’m just as happy reading a book on the couch as I am with my miter saw in the garage working on some hair-brained DIY project. I love a little coffee with my creamer, sitting around the kitchen table catching up with my family, and I’ll drive just about anywhere if tacos are involved! Thanks for taking a listen…I’ll see ya inside the pod! :)
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
This episode is definitely not the norm over here, but I'm excited to share this with you.
My friend, Elyse, from the Wholesome Mumma Podcast interviewed me the other day. She asked if I would share our story of loss, miscarriage, and the heartache that goes along with that...and also the JOY that only Christ can bring in those dark days.
I KNOW that there is at least one other mama who's walked this journey. Maybe you're in it right now. Our paths may not look the exact same, but our GOD is! He's merciful and just. He's kind and gracious. He wants to carry every heartache we have.
If this is you, sis, I see you and I'm praying for you!
I'm praying that this episode reaches the exact women who need to hear this message of Joy and Hope!
You can find Elyse - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholesome-mumma-homemaker-simple-living-natural-living/id1521961090
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wholesomemumma/
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Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Love it at times. Hate it a times.
Right! We map out our goals.
We want to hit the next rank.
We want to grow our network marketing business.
We want to level up.
But what if those things you're doing are actually hindering you from that growth.
Keeping you from growing that business where you want it to be!?
That's what we're talking about today.
This one thing...that seems like a very good thing...and it can be.
And sometimes it's actually keeping us from seeing and hearing things clearly.
Hop in and take a listen as we talk about growing your business agains the grain.
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
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SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
2.0 is HERE!
But if I'm being honest...this really was what the Lord had intended for the OG version of Growth Against the Grain...I just got in the way!
Has that ever happened to you?
There are a small handful of things I KNOW to my core the Lord has called me to.
This podcast is one of them!
I felt it in my gut about two years ago.
I KNEW the podcast had to include my faith...but, truthfully, I kept it on a short leash.
I would bring it out from time to time when it seemed appropriate.
And recently...the Lord has made it abundantly clear that just won't work!
I can't be in...sort of.
I have to be ALL IN and Jesus needs to be in EVERYTHING!
So...2.0 is here!
It's about growing against the grain of this world.
It's about growing against the grain of the network marketing industry.
It's about starting with Jesus and filtering everything through that.
It's about growing and building that audacious business PARTNERED with Jesus Christ.
If this is you and you have the BIG goals, but you LOVE Jesus and have been wondering how you do both...then you're in the right place!
Grab that coffee that's been beeping at you, better yet, pour it over ice and grab a straw...let's get ready to GROW...AGAINST THE GRAIN!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
I can't be the only one who's pondered this question...
Does God REALLY Care about my Business?
I mean...in the grand scheme of things ... does peddling my collagen really matter?
Yes! He absolutely does care!
The question then becomes...how do we align our Big Boss Business Goals with His desires for our lives?!
In this episode we're going to talk about three truths straight from Scripture that tell us that Our God loves us! Sis...He LOVES You and He wants the best for you. He wants us to take everything to Him in prayer...bring it all before him. As Christian Entrepreneurs we have hold everything lightly and lay it before the feet of our King.
I know you want to be a successful kingdom entrepreneur who also honors the Lord in each and every way possible. Some days we got it clicking away and others we're on the struggle bus. No matter where you find yourself...I want you to find Biblical Encouragement.
Friend...I'm praying for you.
Go...GROW your business, partnered with the Lord, against the grain of the world. Stop the 24/7 social media addiction and show up as the amazing woman He has created you to be!!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Hey there friend!!!
I'm gonna go out on a limb and just guess that waiting, well, it's not really something you love doing!
I know I am...because I don't love waiting.
I pray, give things over to the Lord and then expect it to all happen IMMEDIATELY.
Meanwhile He's patiently waiting for me to WAIT ON HIM!
I'm super guilty of creating categories for the "waiting" of things...you know like... waiting for a diagnosis or a baby to be born or a move...those are the BIG things... and then I put those business goals of mine in a different category and somehow think they're less important to the Lord.
That's a LIE!
In fact, can we agree, that the enemy wants us to diminish the importance of our goals to keep us from laying anything else over to the Lord?
FRIEND...Our God love us and He wants us to bring EVERYTHING to him...even the WAITING on those big (and small) business goals we have!
I'm sharing four Biblical principles straight from my quiet time with the Lord all about waiting on Him.
Grab a notebook and pen and get ready to GROW against the grain of this world!
Oh...and might as well pour that coffee over ice and grab a straw!
31 Days of Abiding in Prayer by Jodie Berndt
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
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SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Hey friend!
Do you ever think about being "set apart" and instantly go to that one person that stands out...but not really in a good way?
Or...is that just me?
I think of that extreme example and while I know the Lord has called us to be in the world, but not of the world...it seems so hard at times.
This is exactly what we're talking about today!
Three practical ways you can be a light in this world by showing up different from what everyone else is doing.
Keep in mind a couple of things...
1. I'm not perfect and I fail at this on a REGULAR basis.
2. These things may not be your conviction - that's ok - your accountability is to God, not me.
Hop on in and get ready to GROW...against the grain!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Have you ever wondered HOW do you marry those BIG BOSS BABE business goals with what the Lord wants for you?
Have you asked the Lord to guide your business?
And you're still wondering ... WHAT does that really look like... AND what exactly is it that the Lord wants for you?
Oh friend!
I know you do because I have too...MANY TIMES!
You are going to LOVE this conversation with Heather Shriver Burns. Heather is a Speaker, Coach and host of the Seek First CEO podcast. She is a mom of 3, married to her best friend for 9 years, and lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Heather is a multi-passionate entrepreneur whose greatest passion is pointing high achieving servant hearted women to Jesus. As a Master Neuroscience Business & Biblical Life coach, she helps ambitious CEO's manage their mind and emotions so they can manage their life and business by living in F.L.O.W.™ with the Holy Spirit!
Share this episode with your sisters in Christ who also have those BIG goals and want to Honor the Lord in all they do!
100 Biblical Declarations for Christian Entrepreneurs > > DOWNLOAD HERE
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
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Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Hey there friend!
Has anyone ever told you that you were "playing small" in your business?
I’ve said it many times.
I take it to mean that you’re hedging your bets - you aren’t putting yourself out there as much as you could because...well, it’s comfortable play small. Maybe you’re teetering on the edge of uncomfortable, but it’s not really as daring as you could be.
But...have you ever considered that you're playing small with God?
We read over and over again in Scripture how the Lord wants the best for his children. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that He knows the plans he has made for us to prosper you, to give you a future and a hope.
If you're a Christian entrepreneur desiring to build that big business but have ever wondered does the Lord really want to bless you through your business? This episode is for you.
Grab a pen and paper, save these promises to refer back to over and over again.
Now, go get that coffee beeping at you from the microwave and let's get ready to grow against the grain of this world!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Easier said than done...right?
It sounds good.
We know it's what we need to do.
But then...we get scared.
What if we give our business over to the Lord and He has a different plan for it than we do?!
What if He wants me to lay it aside?
What if He wants me to [fill in the blank]?
I know this game of surrender and take back VERY WELL.
I also know that our God...He LOVES His daughters and He absolutely has a plan to give each of us a future and a hope.
That may look like a flourishing, financially successful business.
It may look like something entirely different.
BUT GOD...He's good and His plans are perfect.
That's what we're talking about today.
I'm sharing three verses that you can meditate on as reminders of WHO our God is.
Friend...growing against the grain is going to be hard at times, but OH the beauty when we fully trust and surrender is better than we could ever imagine!
Grab a pen and paper - you'll want to write these verses down.
Get ready to GROW...against the grain!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Today's episode is a 2-parter, but i didn't want to make you wait...so they're both coming out at the same time!
(cue the happy dance!)
My personal business and podcast coach, Stefanie Gass, is gracing us on the show today for the third time! She always brings her spunk, spice, and LOVE for Jesus to every episode.
Today we're talking about MINDSET! What is it and what does the Bible say about it! You will definitely want to grab a pen and paper because she's sharing some big 'ol truth bombs that you're going to want to refer back to.
Stefanie Gass is a CEO, wife, boy mom, coffee lover, and #pjsallday enthusiast! Stef helps women get clear on their niche, start a podcast, and grow a successful online business, God's way.
She is the host of a top .5% globally ranked podcast for Christian Entrepreneurs, The Stefanie Gass Show.
Stef believes it's possible to partner with God to create impact and income without sacrificing or buying into social media hustle.
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast?
If so...I would HIGHLY recommend working with Stef!
She has 2 course to help you get started...
1. CLARIFY YOUR CALLING - use my affiliate link - https://unicornmama--stefaniegass.thrivecart.com/clarifyyourcalling/
2. PODCAST PRO UNIVERSITY - if you're ready to get started, but don't know where to begin - this is the course for you. Stef will walk you through everything from title to set up to SEO and so much more.
Be one of the first 3 to book and you'll save 20% off your one hour session. You'll walk away with a tactical roadmap for success in your network marketing / social selling business through daily renewal of your mind.
go to > > > bit.ly/biblicalsuccesssession to book
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Are you on Pinterest? So am I!
Go find me: https://www.pinterest.com/itsmemichellecastro/
Where to find me:
SUBSCRIBE + FREE GIFT: https://www.growthagainstthegrain.com/subscribe